Monday, October 5, 2009

The Vines of Mendoza - Argentina: Global Diaries and Cultural Roots

The Vines of Mendoza - Argentina - Global Girl Diaries - WorldNomads Adventures

AsociaciĆ³n Veneta de Mendoza

1 comment:

silvia roncari said...

I found some interesting info on The Economist ( wine industry in Argentina and Chile. Here a brief summery.

Until recently, Argentina was a big producer of low-quality table wines for local quaffing. Since a devaluation in 2002, foreign investment has poured in and exports have boomed. Thanks partly to the arrival of foreign winemakers, quality has greatly improved. Nowadays Argentines is the world's fifth-biggest wine producer.
Argentina's exports to the United States are growing much faster than those of Chile.
But Chile has some powerful strengths of its own: not only a favourable climate but also a greater economic stability that incentivates investment. But,the most important advantage is probably its export vocation thanks to FTAs Chile has agreed upon with many countries around the world.

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