Friday, October 2, 2009

Biopharmaceuticals: Availability, diffusion, sustainability

A speech I gave at OECD Workshop on Biotechnology Outputs and Impacts back in 2006 urging a new legislation allowing for approval of biosimilar drugs:

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

On the Wall Street Journal - Europe of yesterday (Monday, October 12th), I have found two interesting articles that speaks about pharmaceutical industries:

- page 7, "Pfizer halts new enrollments in drug trial", about some problems Pfizer, a giant company based in New York ("Pfizer is the world's largest research-based biomedical and pharmaceutical company" they claim on their website), is experiencing during the phase 3 of the testing for a new drug against lung-cancer.

- pages 16-17, "Glaxo bet on fighting pandemics pays off", about the strategy that GlaxoSmithKline PLC is adopting in regard with the two recent pandemics (avian flu and swine flu).

Both articles are quite interesting in my opinion (and very fast to be read too): if you want I can make photocopies for you to read.

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